
Showing posts from November, 2013

For Melissa

There are days that don’t make sense.   There are days that make you want to go back to sleep until you can wake up and find out you were just having a terrible dream.   Unfortunately, you don’t wake up and are instead left to pick up the pieces so you can try and understand why.   Today is one of those days. A bright, colorful, free spirit, who I was honored to know and call a friend, left this world last night.    She made the world a more beautiful place with her rainbow of bold colors and the limitlessness of her heart.   Even though the sun is shining outside of my window, today is a bit darker and gloomy without Melissa Morroney in the world.   Yet, even with the darkness, a small part of me is comforted to know that she is looking down on all whom she left behind, enveloping all of us with what are sure to be bright rainbow colored wings.     “The streets of Heaven are too crowded with Angels tonight. Don ’ t let them be forg...